Our Policy Surrounding the Outbreak of COVID-19
At Bristol’s Mobility Centre – we are committed to promoting & improving the health and mobility of our clients. It may be difficult for some of our clients to get the essential products that they need and some clients may be particularly at risk of complications should they contract coronavirus. Following the recent outbreak of COVID-19, you and your family may be concerned about visiting public spaces, visiting businesses as well as having worries about contracting the virus.
The health and wellbeing of our clients and their families is of the utmost importance & our COVID-19 policy is designed to inform our clients about the measures that we are taking to prevent the spread of the virus and protect our clients and staff.
Visiting Our Bristol Showroom
All of our staff members strictly adhere to all of the medical recommendations relating to COVID-19. Our staff follow the government suggested guidelines which can be found by using the following link.
Should a member of staff become unwell with the symptoms of coronavirus such as contracting a fever or persistent cough – they will be sent home to self-isolate akin to current recommendations.
Business will be open as usual in our Bristol Showroom for our clients who still wish to visit our showroom. Should you deem it too risky to visit our branches, we can arrange for a home visit/delivery.
Arranging for a Home Visit
Should you wish to arrange for our mobility specialists to visit you in the comfort of your home, please contact us using an online contact form on our website, emailing us directly to simon@cpmobility.co.uk or by calling:
Please note all the staff carrying out home visits are fit and well with no symptoms. For the safety of our staff and clients, we will ask, prior to a home visit, if you have any symptoms such as a fever or persistent cough. If so we will take extra measures of wearing a mask and gloves for protection. You can always ask us to wear this as a precaution if you wish.
Telephone: 01179 515 558
Freephone: 0800 074 6612
We will take extra measures when visiting your home such as regularly washing hands, avoiding unnecessary contact such as handshakes and maintaining a metre distance from others where possible.
Home Delivery
We can deliver incontinence products, walking aids, wheelchairs, scooter, powered wheelchairs and much more.